Sharty McDennis

So I have started writing the next cycle for the blog. I am actually really excited about it. We are going to build upon the foundation that we put forward in the first cycle. We will be doing the 7/13 squat cycle from Spencer Arnold. It’s real good and something a little different. I should probably mention that I have saved this cycle from like 3 years ago when I first did it, now he is charging for it on his site. I have modified it a little from the original and I know the one he is charging for is slightly different from the one we will be doing.

*So I don’t know how I feel about using this cycle while he is charging for it. So to cover myself because I steal everything and nothing that I really come up with is of my own originality, it is all taken then modified and used to fit the needs that I want it to; this is not my squat cycle it was created by Spencer Arnold, I copied it down when I did it and now am using the general outline of it here.*

I like to site my sources.

Any way building upon what we have all ready done we will be having more of a focus on complexes in this cycle instead of single reps. Rest will be listed and suggested to follow during the lifting for best results, but if you ever feel like you need more rest always feel free to take that rest. The gymnastics focus will still be strict, because if you can do it strict you can do it kipping. The general plan is to metcon Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, with Tuesday and Friday being cardio specific work. Even if you are feeling good I think that doing a metcon on those days is not a good idea. The reason being that it’s almost summer and I am going to start programming swimming for Thursdays and Sundays. The swimming programming will be based upon my abilities(which are not good in the pool) so if you feel like you need more when in the pool add a few extra laps.

and an unsolicited qoute from myself this week, “I don’t care, I know what the fuck I am doing so just do it.” The person that was directed at was deserving, and is still a bit on my shit list. I get not everyone loves exercise, but don’t tell me and act like you want something when the truth is you just want to say you have a trainer.

*The following is liberal, anti-theist propaganda* This is terrible and not only terrible, but to use violence to attack others who have different views from you is horrible. I heard an interesting take on NPR about how this is the second concert bombing in the last year and a half and how its an attack aimed at young people. These attacks are aimed at inciting fear within a younger generation, and personally it does not work for me.

I don’t like Islam as a religion the same way I don’t like Christianity as a religion. My dislike for muslim’s is the same as my dislike for christians it has nothing to do with a persons race. The way you stop the spread of extremist views is not through war and violence but through education. This is the fact vs faith argument and unfortunately faith tends to win out more often than facts, because it’s a lot easier to believe in some higher power than to study and research the facts of something. Those who give their lives in the name of Alah believe they will go to heaven and receive 72 virgins, is no different then those who believe that accepting Jesus in your heart and asking for forgiveness will get you into heaven. They are both ludicrous beliefs that have no founding in facts. A world with no gods would be a much better place than the world we currently live in. This is the type of terrorism that scares me the most; crazy white kids. This was not a national story because it doesn’t fit the narrative that the brown person is the bad guy.
“But more importantly, foreigners pose less of a threat to Americans than right-wing extremists on domestic soil. In a 2015 New York Times article, University of North Carolina Professor Charles Kurzman and Duke Professor David Schanzer found that Islam-inspired terror attacks accounted for 50 deaths since 9/11, but that “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.”

Maybe we should change the narrative that terrorism is caused only by Islamic extremist. and here is a link of every time on twitter he has denied climate change the man is an idiot, and if you don’t believe in climate change, I ask why not? Are you really that dumb? Really though I am learning that net neutrality is a rather fringe issue and just because I don’t think it should be doesn’t mean shit. But hey, when net neutrality is over and it starts to effect your ability to use the internet maybe then everyone will care. it’s a buzzfeed article so it’s not the best, but no shit gender equality should be defined as a basic human right.

So I posted this down here because I didn’t really have any better spot for it, but if you haven’t watched it all ready go ahead and do so now. I’ll wait. Sam Dancer says some really amazing things in here. Balance is the big take away. Find balance in your life. I love fitness, I love working out, I’m lucky enough that I get paid to train people and to workout when I want, but I’m also learning about balance and learning to find balance. We should want it all and it’s possible. Also the comments about learning to love are so great.

Blueberry muffins

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